KangarooHoppers Affiliate Program
1. How Does The Program Work?
KangarooHoppers Affiliate Program allows you to make money by referring customers to our website. Every time you refer a customer to us that makes a purchase on kangaroohoppers.com, you earn commission. We handle transaction processing, fulfillment and customer service. We will also provide you with detailed reports on sales made from your site.
2. How to start the program?
Complete the online application and it will get reviewed within 2 business days. Once your application is approved, you can log in and start earning commission.
3. What does it cost to join?
Applying to and participating in the KangarooHoppers Affiliate Program is absolutely FREE. There is no charge to apply and there is no minimum sales requirement. In fact, there are no fees of any kind.
4. How do I keep track of my earnings?
Once logged in, you’ll have full access to all important data such as earnings, clicks, etc.
5. Can I bid on the KangrooHoppers trademarked name?
KangrooHoppers does not allow any use of trademark bidding or URL bidding.
6. Can A Website Based Outside The United States Become An Affiliate?
Yes, however, we only ships to the U.S. at this time therefore we only accept affiliates that drive U.S.-based visitors to our site. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or to follow up on your application to our program. Simply send us an email at: market@kangaroohoppers.com